By Sondoss Al Asaad

Iran is the only powerful and honest ally of people in West Asia

October 11, 2024 - 19:32

BEIRUT- The missile retaliation has proven that Iran is the only independent state in West Asia capable of humiliating the so-called “Israel” and that it responds whenever and wherever it wants; this is a legitimate and sovereign matter.

 It has also exposed the US-Israeli intelligence and military failure, after desperate attempts to deceive Tehran into refraining from launching a retaliatory strike in exchange for reaching a ceasefire. However, Tehran did not fall for this trick and insisted on its right to respond, as Iranian missiles targeted the enemy’s strategic positions such as the air bases of Nevatim - Hatzerim - Tel Nof – Netzarim, Galilot, etc., and returned the hostile enemies to square one.

Indeed, Iran plays this sovereign role to confirm its great position in leading the nation and its keenness to preserve the interests of its people. In the aftermath of the 2006 war, the Israeli occupation entity was keen to conclude lessons after it became clear to it that Hezbollah was no longer just a resistance but had turned into a military force thanks to the Iranian role in empowering it.

Zionist researcher Danny Berkowitz has said, “Can the heads of the Hydra be cut off/The battle to weaken Hezbollah?”

According to Greek mythology, the Hydra is a creature with many heads. Whenever you cut off one or more of its heads, a replacement comes out. Berkowitz has concluded that undermining Hezbollah’s relationship with Iran is one of the most important strategies. If

we follow the chain of events that took place in our region, since the outbreak of the 2009 seditious strife in Iran, then the so-called “Arab Spring” we find out that Washington has followed Berkowitz’s hostile strategies.

Since the onset of the current war against the peoples of West Asia, mainly Palestine and Lebanon, the forces of the Axis of Resistance have avoided clashing with the traitorous regimes while focusing on confronting the Zionist-American enemy, despite their full belief that they were born in a single context that serves the Western hegemony and prevent our peoples from achieving independence.

The colonizer has established these functional entities - not sovereign states - that are robbed of political decision. They are nothing but puppets conspiring against our nation. This became crystal clear following the “Al-Aqsa Flood”; if any of them collapsed, the geopolitical map would change and the entire West would enter a crisis. Manuel Valls, ex-French PM has said: “If ‘Israel’ Falls, We will Fall.” It is a confirmation of what the Zionist entity means to the West.

Today, the region and the entire world are facing an existential and urgent challenge.  America and the West are determined to silence any free voice and any resistance-seeking liberation movement. 

By evaluating and tracking the narratives promoted by the media platforms affiliated with these regimes, the ignoring of the legendary resistance movements’ steadfastness and sacrifices can only be attributed to the conspiratorial role of these regimes. 

They openly conspire in favor of our enemies. This battle is only to restore its declining hegemony in the world. Hence, the extent of bloodshed is not surprising.

Through the shameful normalization agreements and the American and Western bases on their lands, the Persian-Gulf regimes have not only conspired against their own citizens when they suppressed them with an iron fist, but have conspired against the future of the nations. They have appointed themselves as the defenders of “Israel” to preserve their unelected thrones and secure Israel’s economic, political and strategic interests that the Yemenis have destabilized. 

Major Western think tanks acknowledge that what has enabled “Israel” to survive so far - despite its internal deterioration - is the unwavering Arab support, manipulating their media empire to demonize Iran and justify the genocides in a bid to rid of the free Islamic resistance movements that enjoy great popular support. Resistance groups have presented a more rational discourse that guarantees the independence of the region whose role has gone beyond practicing religious rituals. They are not racist, fanatical, or superficial nationalist movements. Rather they are liberation movements.

Today we are facing colonial functional regimes whose legitimacy is at rock bottom; the free peoples must practice all means of resistance to weaken the American hegemony in our region before it is too late since we are facing an existential pivotal crossroads that cannot tolerate half-solutions. It is enough that the West has martyred more than 42,000 in Gaza.

Today the only eligible option is armed resistance that preserves our identity. The Palestinian cause has revealed who is the enemy and who is the ally. Exaggerating the bet on changing or awakening the world is no longer rational, for “what is watered badly will eventually produce bitter fruit.” 

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